Runs on Request


Title/Introduction: The largest storm in solar cycle 23: 2003/11/20, Dst=-472 nT. Impact time approx 11/20/03 21:00:00 UT. This run 11/19/03 12:00:00

Key Word: 20031119

Model Type: IT
Model: CTIP
Dipole Update With Time: yes
Coordinate System for the Output: GEO

Initial Parameters:

    SW Density: 9.661 n/cc
    SW Temperature [Kelvin]: 36.91 Kelvin
    X Component of SW Velocity: -376.357 km/sec
    Y Component of SW Velocity: 3.146 km/sec
    Z Component of SW Velocity: 36.109 km/sec
    IMF Bx: 0.000 nT
    IMF By: -7.680 nT
    IMF Bz: 13.851 nT
    IMF |B|: 15.838 nT
    IMF Clock Angle: 330.995 deg.
    Dipole Tilt at Start in X-Z Plane: 2.408 deg.
    Dipole Tilt in Y-Z GSE Plane: 12.8 deg.
    Year: 2002
    Day of the year: 78
    Radio Flux 10.7 cm: 0.0
    Electric Field Model: Weimer
    Hemispheric Power Index (Activity Level): 8
    Hemispheric Power in gigawatts: 44.0000