WSA Dashboard

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The WSA Dashboard is a tool for visualizing predictions of the corona and solar wind produced by the Wang-Sheeley-Arge model executed in near real-time at the CCMC.

The Wang-Sheeley-Arge (WSA) model, run routinely at the CCMC, predicts the solar wind speed, interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) polarity, and connectivity of solar wind at Earth, Mars, Parker Solar Probe, Solar Orbiter, and STEREO and their sources back at the Sun. It also forecasts the locations, structure, and polarities of coronal holes. Global photospheric magnetic field maps are used to drive the coronal portion of the WSA model, which consists of two coupled potential field type models: the Potential Field Source Surface (PFSS) and Schatten Current Sheet (SCS) models.

Note: the tool is developed by the model developers and hosted at the CCMC. It is not a CCMC developed tool. See Tool Developer Contact if you have any question or feedback on the tool.

Latest News

  • September 2024: New API available to provide WSA-based coronal holes and solar wind footpoint predictions
  • April 2024: WSA Dashboard is available at the CCMC


For questions and comments on the tool, please contact

For inquiries related to the model, please contact

Publication Policy

Paper you must cite if you plan to publish results:

Users is encouraged to contact before publishing and for any inquiry related to the model.

API Documentation

The API provides the boundaries of the model-identified coronal holes and regions probabilistically identified to contain the solar wind source location for the selected satellite location. Times are supported between the next four days and 90 days ago. The boundaries are returned as contours of longitude and latitude points in Heliocentric Carrington coordinates.



Returns (JSON)

An object describing the options available for passing to the /api/load_helioviewer_coronal_holes endpoint. In the output, input_maps values corresponds to single value options for the ?input_maps= query string argument, and the locations values correspond to single value options for the ?sat= argument.

Sample output:

  "input_maps": ["AGONG", "GONG_Z"],
  "locations": ["ACE", "PSP", "MARS", "SO", "STEREOA"]



Arguments (Query String)

start_date (string): start date, in YYYY-MM-DD format

end_date (string): end date, in YYYY-MM-DD format

Input_map (string): photospheric map source to use; see capabilities endpoint

sat (string): name of satellite location; see capabilities endpoint

real (int): ensemble realization number (0-11) if using the AGONG input map

Returns (JSON)

List of objects, each corresponding to one forecast. Each forecast has a range of applicability (forecast_range), a nominal time of the forecast (forecast_time), and a forecast object corresponding to a list of contours, each with latitude and longitude coordinates.

Sample output:

    "coord_system": "Helio-Carrington",
    "forecast": [
        "coords": {
          "lat": [
          "lon": [
    "forecast_range": [
    "forecast_time": "2024-08-29T00:00:00"



Returns (JSON)

An object describing the options available for passing to the /api/load_helioviewer_footpoints endpoint. In the output, the advanced_days value corresponds to the ?adv= query string argument, the input_maps values corresponds to single value options for the ?input_maps= query string argument, and the locations values correspond to single value options for the ?sat= argument.

Sample output

  "advanced_days": [4],
  "input_maps": ["AHMI", "AGONG"],
  "locations": ["SO", "ACE", "STEREOA", "PSP", "MARS"]



Arguments (Query String)

start_date (string): start date, in YYYY-MM-DD format

end_date (string): end date, in YYYY-MM-DD format

Input_map (string): photospheric map source to use; see capabilities endpoint

sat (string): name of satellite location; see capabilities endpoint

adv (int): lead time (in advance) of prediction to use; currently always pass 4

Returns (JSON)

List of objects, each corresponding to one forecast. Each forecast has a range of applicability (forecast_range), a nominal time of the forecast (forecast_time), and a forecast object corresponding to a list of contours, each with latitude and longitude coordinates, a label for the contour (label key), and coordinates to draw the label at (label_coords key). The label is the contour's total enclosed probability fraction (between 0 and 1).

Sample output

    "coord_system": "Helio-Carrington",
    "forecast": [
        "contour_coords": {
          "lat": [
          "lon": [
        "label": "0.7197243115212361",
        "label_coords": {
          "lat": -18.306083109721605,
          "lon": 9.422197644977583
    "forecast_range": [
    "forecast_time": "2024-08-30T00:00:00"