Maintenance Notice

On Monday, 09/16/2024, starting at 1 PM to 3 PM Eastern Time, a main CCMC storage system will be unavailable due to maintenance. CCMC services including viewing and download of all ROR runs output as well as online visualization services will be impacted.

Data and model comparisons

This is the web interface for the visualization of observational data and results of several model run results.

Please review the default selections below and make your changes.

To start the graphics program click the Update Plot button. The resulting image will be displayed at this location of the page.

Should the result be a black image, then the graphics program encountered a programming error. Please report the set of input parameters used.

Go back to metrics challenge table

  Update Plot will update (generate) the plot with the chosen time and plot parameters below.
This will take some time (typically 10-30s) as data are read in and processed.

Start: Year:  Month:  Day:  Hour:  Minute:  Second: 
  to End: Year:  Month:  Day:  Hour:  Minute:  Second: 

Choose Quantity to be displayed: 

Plot Options:
Image magnification 
Line thickness (EPS image output only)
Character thickness  (all annotations)
Thickeness of Observation Data overplot (0: obs. data appears behind model results) 
New: Logarithmic Y axis  (when log scale is selected, skills are calculated from the logarithm of observation and model values)
New: Apply lower limit to data  Minimum value:
New: Apply upper limit to data  Maximum value:
Vertical offset between data and model traces: (≠0: stack plot)

     Lock plot range:
       Min.:   Max.:

     Show scores  
    Spectral analysis:    Window Length [min]:     Window overlap [%]: 

Select model settings
  1_CTIPE:   CTIPe driven by Weimer electric potential model, (2 lat × 18 lon, 15 levels in logarithm of pressure, CCMC
  2_CTIPE:   CTIPe runs at NOAA/SWPC with Weimer 2005 using 1-minute solar wind and IMF from ACE; particle precipitation from TIROS/NOAA auroral particle measurements; (f10.7+f81)/2; and the (2,2), (2,3), (2,4), (2,5), and (1,1) propagating tidal modes are imposed at 80 km altitude with a prescribed amplitude and phase
  1_TIE-GCM:   TIE-GCM v.1.93 with Heelis electric potential model (5 lat × 5 lon, 29 constant-pressure levels), CCMC
  2_TIE-GCM:   TIE-GCM v1.94 driven by Weimer electric potential model with dynamic critical co-latitudes (5 lat × 5 lon, 29 constant-pressure levels), B. Emery
  3_TIE-GCM:   TIE-GCM v1.94 driven by Weimer electric potential model with dynamic critical co-latitudes (2.5 lat × 2.5 lon, 57 constant-pressure levels), B. Emery
  5_TIE-GCM:   TIE-GCM1.94 driven by AMIE with constant critical cross-over latitudes (fixed at 55 and 70 mlat)
  1_USU-GAIM:   USU-GAIM23 with GPS TEC observations from up to 400 ground stations (-60 < lat < 60), (4.66 lat x 15 lon), CCMC
  1_USU-IFM:   USU-IFM driven by F10.7, Kp and empirical inputs for the thermosphere parameters, (3 lat × 7.5 lon), CCMC
  1_IRI:   IRI-2007, CCMC
  1_UAM:   Upper Atmosphere Model (UAM), A.A. Namgaladze et al., FAC as external driver
  2_UAM:   Upper Atmosphere Model (UAM) with AMIE electric potentials as external drivers
  3_UAM:   Upper Atmosphere Model (UAM) with Weimer-2005 (and/or Weimer-96) electric potentials
  3_CTIPE:   CTIPe runs driven by high-latitude electric potential obtained from SWMF
  5_CTIPE:   CTIPe runs with AMIE (run with magnetometers, SuperDARN, and DMSP inputs, provided by ASTRA)
  6_TIE-GCM:   TIE-GCM 1.94 with AMIE (from ASTRA)
  5a_CTIPE:   CTIPe runs with AMIE (run with magnetometer and SuperDARN inputs, provided by ASTRA)
  5b_CTIPE:   CTIPe runs with AMIE (run with magnetometers inputs, provided by ASTRA)

  Reset Form will reset changes to the defaults specified by the previous run of this script.
  Update Plot will update (generate) the plot with the chosen time and plot parameters above.

Visualization: Could not open input file: /cgi-footer.php