Prediction for magnetospheric and ionospheric conditions using a SWMF realtime simulation (GM-BATSRUS, IM-RCM, IE-Ridley Ionosphere Model).

  This page was generated at: Sat Mar 29 00:01:49 UTC 2025
Magnetosphere at Y=0
Magnetosphere at Z=0
Satellites (trajectories from SSCWeb):
Moon: Position (GSM): X= Y= Z=
      N=cm-3 Vx=km/s Vy=km/s Vz=km/s Bx=nT By=nT Bz=nT P=nPa
GOES-14: Position (GSM): X= Y= Z=
      N=cm-3 Vx=km/s Vy=km/s Vz=km/s Bx=nT By=nT Bz=nT P=nPa
GOES-13: Position (GSM): X= Y= Z=
      N=cm-3 Vx=km/s Vy=km/s Vz=km/s Bx=nT By=nT Bz=nT P=nPa
Ionospheric electric potential
Ionospheric field-aligned currents

History of simulated ionospheric potentials:

week's worth of electric potential differences

GOES Xray, energetic particles, DSCOVR/ACE real time solar wind and ENLIL solar wind prediction

GOES-SolarWind-ENLIL timeline

Curator: Dr. Lutz Rastätter
Authorizing NASA Official: Dr. Maria M. Kuznetsova
Last updated: May 15, 2015.