Last Updated: 10/01/2024
The Coronal Global Evolutionary Model (CGEM)
LWS CGEM project page
UCB SSL CGEM project page
CCMC is supporting the "The Coronal Global Evolutionary Model (CGEM)" effort within the NASA/NSF Partnership For Collaborative Space Weather Modeling. CGEM’s goal is to improve our understanding of the corona of the Sun - to develop and evaluate a model for the evolution of its magnetic field. For more details see: Fisher et al. (2015), The Coronal Global Evolutionary Model: Using HMI Vector Magnetogram and Doppler Data to Model the Buildup of Free Magnetic Energy in the Solar Corona, Space Weather, 13, 369-373, doi:10.1002/2015SW001191.
PI institution: UCB SSL
PI: George Fisher
Status of deliverables to the CCMC
- D1 (magnetofrictional model; MF), and D2 (flux transport model): The CGEM team has started discussions with CCMC on delivering these models.
- D3 and D4 (electric fields at the photosphere, and the data products needed to help compute them): The CGEM team plans to make these available through the JSOC (the models are running where the data are located). The source code for D3 will be made available on the CGEM website as an open source library of fortran subroutines for community use.
- D5 (develop a simplified MHD model to follow unstable active region configurations found from MF simulations): Output of case study runs will be posted on the CGEM or JSOC websites. The D5 code, RADMHD, is open-source, and can be downloaded from the CGEM website for community use.
- D6 (develop and refine global MHD solutions to connect the MF model with global heliospheric models): The model is currently running on the JSOC, and by mutual agreement between the CCMC and the code's developer, Keiji Hayashi, can be delivered to CCMC at any time (note that the team anticipates that the code will continue to be developed over the next couple of years).
Publications and Reports
List of Publications
List of Reports
Project Contact
PI: George Fisher
CCMC Contacts
Peter MacNeice