Maintenance Notice

On Thursday, 03/13/2025, starting at 9 AM to 3 PM Eastern Time, we will be performing scheduled maintenance, which may temporarily impact CCMC services including viewing and download of all ROR runs output as well as online visualization services. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.

Last Updated: 10/25/2023

Working Meeting: Applying ML/AI technology to forecasting of Solar Proton Events


Dear Colleagues,

Here we announce the final call for participation in the working meeting devoted to practical applications of machine learning technologies to the forecasting of SPE in support of human exploration missions.

Meeting dates: June 27- 28, 2019 (two full days 9am - 5pm) Meeting location: NASA GSFC, Building 21, Room 183A

Meeting organizers: Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC) NASA JSC Space Radiation Analysis Group (SRAG) NASA GSFC Computation and Information Science Technology Office (CISTO)

Meeting goals:

  • Educate scientists and application developers on requirements for forecasting of Solar Proton Events (SPE) critical for mitigating crew health and safety on long duration human exploration missions.
  • Review the current status of opportunities and challenges in applying Artificial Intelligence to SPE forecasts.
  • Define methods to verify predictions produced by AI/ML SEP models.
  • Provide opportunity for participants to propose focused tasks that will lay the groundwork to apply AI/ML to SPE forecasting and that can be accomplished within the next year with limited bridge funding. See below for details.*
  • Facilitate creative networking that will allow for the creation of multidisciplinary teams of experts in both physics of SPE and ML/AI techniques (in the prospect of sustainable funding opportunities for developing SPE forecasting capabilities in support of human exploration.).

Remote participation: Remote participation/presentations will be possible only during the Bridge Funding Proposal Presentations session on June 28th the morning. There will be no remote participation capability during the first day of the working meeting (June 27th).

Agenda Outline

  • Introductory presentations on SPE forecasting requirements by agencies representatives (NASA, NOAA, DoD, others);
  • Overview of the ongoing status of ML/AI capabilities;
  • Presentations and discussion on successes, challenges and opportunities (including data preparation, classification algorithms, evaluations) in application of ML/AI to SPE forecasting;
  • Proposal presentations from participating groups/individuals for near-term activities. See below for details.*
  • Opportunity for networking such that teams can emerge in anticipation of larger sustainable funding opportunities from multiple sources.
  • Discussion

* Working meeting participants are invited to give a proposal presentation to receive limited bridge funding. Bridge funding decisions will be made by NASA SRAG based on the feasibility of accomplishing the proposed task within one year and its potential for moving us forward towards improving SPE forecasts using ML/AI. Participants who are interested in presenting proposals please contact Masha Kuznetsova, Leila Mays or Yari Collado-Vega no later than June 14th.

Agenda and List of Participants

Link to the Agenda

Link to the list of Workshop Participants