
The Swipe (Swarm Ionospheric Polar Electrodynamics) version 0.95 model is now available to the community through the CCMC Instant Run service.

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SWMF version 2023

Simulation Service


Simulation Services

Our Mission

We are a multi-agency partnership enabling, supporting, and performing research and development for next-generation space science and space weather models.

The CCMC is situated at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). The team consists of NASA civil servants, contractors and postdoctoral fellows.

Space Science Research

We provide free access to modern space science research models through an automated model run system, as well as online visualization and analysis tools.

Model Validation

We test and evaluate models as an unbiased agent against standard metrics, through event studies and real-time calculations, in direct support of science users.

Forecasting Support

We support space weather forecasters through transitioning of research models to operations, model evaluation, and provisioning of forecasting tools.


We guide student researchers, create simulation and visualization resources for classrooms and summer schools, and host and train software interns.


Long running simulations by request. Submit a request and get notified when the results are ready.

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Continuous Run

Continuously running models. View the latest results of several models without a separate request.

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Instant Run

Instantly executing models. Select a model and see the results instantly in your browser.

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