Space Weather REDI Bootcamp - June 2018
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Space Weather Bootcamp 2017

Space Weather REDI Bootcamp 2017 (an annual CCMC event) was held on June 6-16, 2017 at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.

Agenda & Presentations

About the Bootcamp

Space Weather REDI summer Bootcamp included two weeks of space weather tutorials led by the NASA GSFC scientists:

The first week acquainted participants with the applications of space weather. These lectures will provided a basic knowledge of space weather and forecasting, without going into detailed physics. This week was geared at an undergraduate level, but was also be appropriate for others interested in broadening their space weather knowledge - graduate students, scientists, engineers, educators, mission operators, and competitive high school students.

To learn more about the first week of the bootcamp see Bootcamp agenda and Tutorials

The second week was split into two tracks and offered:

Summer Space Weather REDI internship 2017

Several undergraduate students wishing to become space weather forecasters are taking part in the summer SW REDI internship at the CCMC.

You can read about experiences of the Bootcamp 2015 ateendees and summer space weather interns here.

CCMC also holds regular Student Research Contests for students (graduate, undergraduate or high school) who are using or have recently used CCMC tools and services (see partial list below) in a research project or as a part of coursework.

If you have any questions about the bootcamp and other CCMC educational activities please contact Dr. Karin Muglach, camp organizer.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration Air Force Materiel Command Air Force Office of Scientific Research Air Force Research Laboratory Air Force Weather Agency NOAA Space Environment Center National Science Foundation Office of Naval Research

Curator: Ms. Anna Chulaki | NASA Official: Dr. Maria Kuznetsova | Privacy, Security Notices