CEDAR ETI Challenge
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CEDAR ETI Challenge

About the Challenge:
CEDAR Electrodynamics Thermosphere Ionosphere (CETI) Challenge was initiated at the 2009 CEDAR workshop. Its goal is to help to evaluate the current state of the ionosphere/thermosphere models, to track model improvements over time and facilitate interaction between research and operation communities in developing metrics for space weather model evaluations.

Click here to view the status of the CEDAR ETI Challenge.

Call for participation in the 2nd round of the Challenge

The Challenge heads into the second round in which the role of drivers on IT model results will be studied. Modelers are encouraged to submit simulation results by the due date of May 25, 2012.

In the first round of the CEDAT ETI Challenge, nine time intervals and six physical parameters were selected, and up to 10 submissions for each parameter were compared. The results of the first round of the Challenge were reported in two papers (one published and one to be submitted).

As a first step toward the second round of the Challenge, the December 2006 event (2006/12/13 (doy 347) 00:00 UT - 12/16 (doy 350) 00:00 UT) was selected to study the effect of different drivers. This study is also a part of GEM-CEDAR Modeling Challenge. We encourage IT modelers to perform simulations for the event with different models for the ionosphere potential pattern: 1) Weimer 2005 using 15-min averages of the IMF input parameters lagged -5 to -20 min provided by the NCAR and the CCMC; 2) AMIE provided by Aaron Ridley (University of Michigan); 3) Global magnetosphere models provided by the CCMC. Please contact Aaron Ridley or Ja Soon Shim, if you need assistance to get ionospheric potentials from AMIE and/or global magnetosphere models.

All participants to the Challenge will be co-authors of the papers, which will be used as important benchmark references for further studies. The preliminary results of the 2nd round of the Challenge were discussed at the CEDAR 2012 Workshop, June 24-29, 2012 in Santa Fe, NM.

Presentations from CEDAR Workshop 2012 (Santa Fe, NM)

CEDAR ETI Metrics Suite


Simulation results analysis tools:

National Aeronautics and Space Administration Air Force Materiel Command Air Force Office of Scientific Research Air Force Research Laboratory Air Force Weather Agency NOAA Space Environment Center National Science Foundation Office of Naval Research

Curator: Ms. Anna Chulaki | NASA Official: Dr. Maria Kuznetsova | Privacy, Security Notices