CCMC Real-Time Tools

Page generated at: Fri Mar 28 23:40:06 UTC 2025
Earth-Sun magnetic connectivity | Structure of heliosphere | Magnetopause position
Ionospheric potential, currents and polar cap | Ionospheric HF Vertical Signal Loss | All Real-Time Tools

Ionospheric potential, currents and polar cap

Models: SWMF/Ridley ionosphere potential solver version 1.10 (A. Ridley)
SWMF/BATSRUS version 9.20 (T. Gombosi et al.)

Ionospheric potential with polar cap


SWMF ionospheric potential with polar cap

Ionospheric field-aligned currents and polar cap


SWMF ionospheric FAC with polar cap

7-day history of cross cap ionospheric potential difference

week of SWMF ionospheric cross-polarcap potential

24-hour history of ionospheric potential

ionospheric Joule heating

SWMF ionospheric Joule heating with polar cap Earth-Sun magnetic connectivity | Structure of heliosphere | Magnetopause position
Ionospheric potential, currents and polar cap | Ionospheric HF Vertical Signal Loss | All Real-Time Tools

Curator: Dr. Lutz Rastätter
Authorizing NASA Official: Dr. Maria Kuznetsova