Model output file format:
Year DOY Hour Min Sec Lat [deg] Lon[deg] Height[km] Tn[K]
Neutral temperature Tn at 250 km height obtained by the Fabry-Perot Spectrometer at Arrival heights, Antarctica (only for E.2005.190 event) and Resolute Bay, Canada (only for E.2006.348 event)
Here DOY is day of year, and Hour, Min, Sec are universal time. Height[km] is 250 km which corresponds to the emission peak for atomic oxygen red line (630 nm). Tn[K] represents neutral temperature in kelvin. There are measurements from 5 observation look directions at Arrival heights the geographic locations (lat, lon) become
- N (-72.60, 166.67)
- W (-77.83, 142.62)
- S (-83.06, 166.67)
- Z (-77.83, 166.67)
- E (-77.83, 190.72).
- N (76.98, -94.89)
- W (74.73, -103.42)
- S (72.48, -94.89)
- Z (74.73, -94.89)
- E (74.73, -86.36)
View sample file for Tn from eastward direction (E) at Arrival heights during E.2005.190 event.