Model output file format:
Year DOY Hour Min Sec Lat[deg] Lon[deg] HmF2[km] HmF2_a[km] HmF2_b[km]
Here DOY is day of year, and HmF2 [km] is height of maximum electron density from LEO satellites or ISRs. HmF2_a and HmF2_b are height of 90% of the maximum electron density above HmF2, and below HmF2, respectively. Lat [deg] and Lon [deg] for NmF2 from ISRs are geographic latitude and longitude of ISRs. For NmF2 from LEO radio occultation measurements, Hour, Min, Sec, Lat [deg] and Lon [deg] are universal time and geographic location at which maximum electron density occurs that are not on the satellite track.