CCMC Real-Time Tools: Solar, Heliosphere, Magnetosphere and Ionosphere

Page generated at: Sun Jan 26 12:10:12 UTC 2025
Earth-Sun magnetic connectivity | Structure of heliosphere | Magnetopause position
Ionospheric potential, currents and polar cap | Ionospheric HF Vertical Signal Loss | All Real-Time Tools

Earth-Sun magnetic connectivity

Models: Wang-Sheeley-Arge version WSA-1.6 (N. Arge) corona,
ENLIL version ENLIL-ccmc-2.6 (D. Odstrcil) heliosphere.
The magnetic footpoint of Earth is displayed for the 10 latest days of the solar rotation shown.
WSA coronal holes with field line trace back from Earth

Structure of Heliosphere

Model: ENLIL version ENLIL-ccmc-2.6 (D. Odstrcil).

Density and magnetic field polarity in ecliptic plane


ENLIL Heliosphere Structure

Solar wind conditions at L1

ENLIL Solar wind near Earth

Time line plot of real time solar wind, GOES Xray,and energetic particles and ENLIL density and magnetic polarity forecast

Time series ensemble plot with solar wind, GOES Xray and energetic particles

Magnetopause position and conditions at GOES satellites

Model: SWMF/BATSRUS version 9.20 (T. Gombosi et al.)

Current magnetopause position

Coordinate System: GSM


Inner magnetosphere at Z=0 with magnetopause

Ionospheric potential, currents and polar cap

Models: SWMF/Ridley ionosphere potential solver version 1.10 (A. Ridley)
SWMF/BATSRUS version 9.20 (T. Gombosi et al.)

Ionospheric potential with polar cap


SWMF ionospheric potential with polar cap

Ionospheric field-aligned currents and polar cap


SWMF ionospheric FAC with polar cap

Earth-Sun magnetic connectivity | Structure of heliosphere | Magnetopause position
Ionospheric potential, currents and polar cap | Ionospheric HF Vertical Signal Loss | All Real-Time Tools

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