CCMC Real-Time Tools

Page generated at: Fri Jul 26 23:42:09 UTC 2024
Earth-Sun magnetic connectivity | Structure of heliosphere | Magnetopause position
Ionospheric potential, currents and polar cap | Ionospheric HF Vertical Signal Loss | All Real-Time Tools

Magnetopause position and conditions at GOES satellites

Model: SWMF/BATSRUS version 9.20 (T. Gombosi et al.)

Current magnetopause position

Coordinate System: GSM


Inner magnetosphere at Z=0 with magnetopause
Please go to this iSWA layout to viwew the magnetopause standoff related images and to view movies of the recent development.

Magnetic field at GOES-P and GOES-S

history of magnetic field BH at GOES-P (primary) and GOES-S (secondary)

Earth-Sun magnetic connectivity | Structure of heliosphere | Magnetopause position
Ionospheric potential, currents and polar cap | Ionospheric HF Vertical Signal Loss | All Real-Time Tools

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