FORTRAN statement c******* TEC for a given longitude sector (e.g. 25 degrees longitude) year = 2006 ! event year doy_i = 347 ! first day of year of the event doy_f = 349 ! last day of year of the event lon = 25. + 2.5 ! one of eight selected longitude slices (2.5 = (bin size of 5N0)/2) do idoy =doy_i, doy_f do ihr =0,23,1 !! hour do imin=0,45,15 !! min , 15 min temporal bin do isec =0, 0 !! fixed do ilat =1, 36 !! # of 5 deg latitude bins write(1,'(5i6,3f10.2)') & year,idoy, ihr, imin, isec, lat(ilat)-2.5,lon-2.5, & TEC(idoy,ihr,imin+7,isec+30,lat,lon) enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo where, lat(ilat) = -95. + 5.*ilat + 2.5 (1 <= ilat <= 36) cccccccccc