Catalog notes at the bottom. It is preferred that everyone use the same CME input parameters listed as “3D CME parameters”. The CDAW catalog parameters are provided for comparison. If using your own CME parameters please specify how they were derived. ============= 14 July 2017 ============= GOES Integral proton flux: >10 MeV Exceeds 1 pfu at 2017-07-14T09:00Z. Peak of 22 pfu at 2017-07-14T23:20Z. 2017/07/14 01:07:00 03:24:00 02:09:00 M2.4 S09W33 ( 2665 ) CDAW catalog:;V=1200km/s 2017/07/14 01:25:41 Halo 360 1200 1199 1200 3D CME parameters from Luhmann et al. 2018 SWJ: 2017-07-14T04:32 -8 38 54 0 0 1300 0 #2017-07-14T01:36:00-CME-001 Earth (L1) CME shock arrival: 2017-07-16T05:14Z ============= 23 July 2017 ============= STEREO-A IMPACT HET protons 13-100 MeV Exceeds 0.01 pfu/MeV at around 2017-07-23T08:30Z. Peak of 13.7 pfu/MeV at 2017-07-24T13:48Z. GOES Integral proton flux (very small event): >10 MeV Exceeds 1 pfu at 2017-07-25T15:05Z. Peak of 2 pfu at2017-07-25T19:30Z. (No flare information because of backsided source region) CDAW catalog:;V=1848km/s 2017/07/23 01:25:41 306 144 654 707 704 2017/07/23 04:48:05 Halo 360 1848 1639 1790 3D CME parameters from Luhmann et al. 2018 SWJ: 2017-07-23T05:14 15 149 36 0 0 1080 0 #2017-07-23T01:36:00-CME-001 2017-07-23T06:40 -12 -165 58 0 0 1900 0 #2017-07-23T04:39:00-CME-001 STEREO-A CME shock arrival: 2017-07-24T14:00Z ======== CATALOGS ======== Flare information from solar soft: date, start, stop, peak, GOES class, position CDAW SOHO LASCO CME catalog information First C2 Appearance Date Time [UT] Central PA [deg] Angular Width [deg] Linear Speed [km/s] 2nd-order Speed at final height [km/s] 2nd-order Speed at 20 Rs [km/s] 3D CME parameters from Luhmann et al. 2018 SWJ ( Time at 21.5 Rs latitude, longtiude (degrees in HEEQ coordinates) rad: half-width in degrees vel=Triangulated 3D CME speed estimated at 21.5Rs