Run Status: Running, ETA: 38d:14h:50m:45s (?) ETA is an approximate value and might change during a run as the model converges on a final solution.

Certain models do not have a predeterminate number of steps, making it impossible to compute a detailed progress information; such models are listed with 'ETA: N/A'.

Status updated: 2025-02-18T04:19:09+0000

Note: CMIT-LFM simulation runs submitted before October 31, 2018 used solar wind data propagated to the model run's upstream (sunward) boundary (typically at Xmax=30 RE).
However, the model assumes solar wind to be propagated to X=0 instead, causing features in the solar wind to occur in the LFM model simulation a few minutes earlier than expected (for example, 8 minutes earlier for Vx=-400 km/s and Xmax=30 RE).
The propagation has been adjusted in the run request system for "event" runs with CMIT-LFM where solar wind data are obtained automatically from one of the available solar wind monitor spacecraft or data sources (solar wind data in uploaded file are not propagated and need to be adjusted before file upload to make LFM runs comparable to runs of the other magnetosphere models).

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