Last Updated: 02/18/2025


Version: 1.0.4

EUHFORIA consists of a coronal model and a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) heliosphere model with CMEs. The aim of the baseline coronal model is to produce realistic plasma conditions at the interface radius r = 0.1 AU between the two models thus providing the necessary input to the time-dependent, three-dimensional MHD heliosphere model. It uses line-of-sight magnetograms as input for a potential (PFSS) field extrapolation of the low-coronal magnetic field coupled to a current sheet (CS) model of the extended coronal magnetic field. The plasma variables at the interface radius are determined by employing semi-empirical considerations based on the properties of the PFSS+CS field such as the flux tube expansion factor and distance to nearest coronal hole. The heliosphere model computes the time-dependent evolution of the MHD variables from the interface radius typically up to 2 AU. Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are injected at the interface radius using a hydrodynamic cone-like model using parameters constrained from fits to coronal imaging observations. In order to account for the modification of the heliosphere due to the presence of earlier CMEs, the standard run scenario includes CMEs launched five days prior to the start of the forecast, while the duration of the forecast extends up to seven days.


Solar component, Semi-empirical WSA-based model of the solar corona used in combination with the PFSS and the Schatten Current Sheet models: Incidental crashes of the coronal model with the error "Too many NaNs in an array". The error occurs during the calculation of the flux tube expansion factor when too many nan values are bunched together in the magnetic map. A simple averaging procedure that is called to deal with these "bad" values, cannot fix the problem. Other magnetograms during the same day (and of the same provider) are then used, but sometimes the problem remains; therefore, there could be no euhforia run for that day.


Solar component, Semi-empirical WSA-based model of the solar corona used in combination with the PFSS and the Schatten Current Sheet models: Synoptic/ADAPT magnetograms from GONG (default), other options include HMI, MWO, MDI

Heliospheric component, Time-dependent 3D ideal-MHD model of the inner heliosphere: 2D (longitude-latitude) map of the solar wind MHD parameters at 0.1 AU


Solar component, Semi-empirical WSA-based model of the solar corona used in combination with the PFSS and the Schatten Current Sheet models: 2D (longitude-latitude) map of the solar wind MHD parameters (vr, Br, n, T) at 0.1 AU, 2D (longitude-latitude) map of the open/closed magnetic field regions, 2D (longitude-latitude) map of the flux tube expansion factor

Heliospheric component, Time-dependent 3D ideal-MHD model of the inner heliosphere: 3D output of the full heliospheric domain (normally upon request); 2D results on the equatorial and meridional plane containing the Earth, in png format; time series at main planetary/spacecraft locations


  • Solar
  • Heliosphere / Inner Heliosphere


  • Solar Magnetic Field
  • Coronal Holes
  • Ambient Solar Wind
  • Magnetic Connectivity
  • High Speed Stream
  • Interplanetary Shocks
  • Heliospheric Current Sheet
  • Coronal Mass Ejections Propagation
  • Coronal Mass Ejection Arrival



Code Languages: Python/C++


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