Last Updated: 02/13/2025


Version: 2.9e

ENLIL is a time-dependent 3D MHD model of the heliosphere. It solves equations for plasma mass, momentum and energy density, and magnetic field, using a Flux-Corrected-Transport (FCT) algorithm. Its inner radial boundary is located beyond the sonic point, typically at 21.5 or 30 solar radii. It can accept boundary condition information from either the WSA or MAS models. The outer radial boundary can be adjusted to include planets or spacecraft of interest (eg 2 AU to include both Earth and Mars, 5 AU to include Ulysses, 10 AU to include Cassini). It covers 60 degrees north to 60 degrees south in latitude and 360 degrees in azimuth.


  • Heliosphere / Inner Heliosphere


Code Languages: Fortran


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