Last Updated: 02/16/2025


Version: older version at WVU

The 3D diffusion model, developed as part of the Dynamic Radiation Environment Assimilation Model (DREAM) project, includes radial, pitch angle, and momentum diffusion and mixed pitch angle-momentum diffusion, which are driven by dynamic wave databases from the statistical CRRES wave data, including plasmaspheric hiss, lower-band, and upper-band chorus.


Different wave parameters - see Table 1 of Tu et al, 2013 (Publications below).

  1. The DREAM3D model used for this challenge is an older version. So, it could be a little different from the DREAM3D model at LANL.

  2. The outer boundary conditions are calculated at L*=6 using GOES data shared by D. Wang.

  3. The initial conditions are calculated using Van Allen Probe (VAP) data.

  4. Loss by Coulomb collision and loss out of the Last Closed Drift Shell (LCDS) are considered.

  5. The radial diffusion coefficients from Ozeke et al. (2014) are used.

  6. The electron lifetime by hiss waves from Orlova et al. (2016) is used. The hiss waves are effective inside the plasmasphere.

  7. Parallel propagating upper band and lower band chorus waves are used to calculate the pitch angle – momentum diffusion coefficients. The chorus waves are effective outside of the plasmasphere. The wave data is obtained from the CRRES statistical wave data. The data is divided into three AE* bins.

  8. The plasmapause location (Lpp) is obtained from Carpenter and Anderson (1992).

  9. Adiabatic invariant grid: 10^−2 < μ [MeV⁄G] < 10^5 with 200 bins, 10^−3 < K [G^1/2 RE] < 10^3 with 100 bins, and 1 < L∗ < 6 with 100 bins

  10. pitch angle and momentum grid: 0 < α [°] < 90 with 180 bins, and 0.1 < E [MeV] < 10 with 400 bins, and 1 < L < 6 with 100 bins

  11. [Updated in 09.16.2021] New simulation results are uploaded. A new chorus model from D. Wang et al. (2019) is applied to modify the amplitudes of both upper-band and lower-band chorus waves. The new files have tags “_v2”.

Input data files

  1. Outer boundary condition (Outer_Boundary_Condition_L6.h5)
  2. Initial boundary condition (Initial_Condition_20170101.h5)
  3. Pitch angle and momentum diffusion coefficients of chorus waves (diffusion_coefficients.tar)
  4. AE*-index: The mean average value of AE over the previous 1 hour. (AEstar2017.tar)
  5. Kp*-index: The maximum Kp value over the previous 24 hours. (Kpmax2017.tar)
  6. LCDS: used a neural network method from Y. Yu et al. (2012). (LCDS2017.tar)

Wang, D., Shprits, Y. Y., Zhelavskaya, I. S., Agapitov, O. V., Drozdov, A. Y., & Aseev, N. A. (2019). Analytical chorus wave model derived from Van Allen Probe observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 124, 1063– 1084.


fluxes or phase space density (PSD) at different energy and pitch angle (or mu and k)

Model is time-dependent.


  • Magnetosphere / Inner Magnetosphere / RadiationBelt

Space Weather Impacts

  • Near-earth radiation and plasma environment (aerospace assets functionality)



Code Languages: Fortran


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