** NOTE: Times are relative to start of Zoom session, in this case around 8:16am before a 9am meeting start time. 00:43:13 Corey Bettenhausen (CCMC) (he/him): Good morning, everyone! Welcome to day four of the 2022 CCMC Workshop! 00:43:38 Corey Bettenhausen (CCMC) (he/him): In order to avoid open mics or unnecessary background noise, we are muting participants when they join the meeting. 00:43:50 Corey Bettenhausen (CCMC) (he/him): Please remain muted and refrain from sharing your video to avoid bandwidth issues. 00:44:02 Corey Bettenhausen (CCMC) (he/him): During the Q&A sessions, please raise your hand if you have a question. When called upon, the host will invite you to unmute and, optionally, share your video. 00:44:47 Corey Bettenhausen (CCMC) (he/him): If you're not familiar with the Zoom interface, to raise your hand, click the Reactions icon at the bottom of your Zoom window and then "Raise Hand". 00:45:18 Corey Bettenhausen (CCMC) (he/him): Click the Reactions icon again and then "Lower Hand" to lower your hand. 00:46:25 Corey Bettenhausen (CCMC) (he/him): We will begin our session on the Inner Magnetosphere/Near-Earth Radiation Environment shortly. 00:56:18 Corey Bettenhausen (CCMC) (he/him): If you have a question or comment for the speaker, please raise your hand! 01:30:09 Corey Bettenhausen (CCMC) (he/him): Any questions for Steve? Feel free to raise your hand! 01:42:14 Rebecca Ringuette: @Alexander What do you mean by ensemble run for the VERB code? 01:42:59 Rebecca Ringuette: @Alexander Are you planning to include the IGRF field as an option for the model? 01:47:39 Rebecca Ringuette: We should collaborate on the flyby (from Kamodo team). 02:01:42 Corey Bettenhausen (CCMC) (he/him): Any questions for Yuri? Please raise your hand! 02:04:43 Sarabjit Bakshi: sound is low 02:05:58 Corey Bettenhausen (CCMC) (he/him): I think the AV folks increased the mic volume a bit. Is it better now, Sarabjit? 02:10:11 Sarabjit Bakshi: Same. no change 02:10:49 Sarabjit Bakshi: Good now. 02:11:10 Corey Bettenhausen (CCMC) (he/him): Excellent. Thanks, Sarabjit. 02:16:30 Corey Bettenhausen (CCMC) (he/him): Any questions for Sang-Yun? Please raise your hand! 02:19:20 Elon Olsson: speakers mic does not seem to be off 02:19:28 Elon Olsson: or low 02:21:23 Corey Bettenhausen (CCMC) (he/him): Elon, can you hear this speaker better? 02:26:16 Corey Bettenhausen (CCMC) (he/him): The volume from the podium mic is highly dependent on the direction the speaker is facing and how loud they are speaking. The AV folks try to adjust for each speaker, but you can also try to increase your local volume to compensate as well. 02:33:47 Corey Bettenhausen (CCMC) (he/him): Any questions for the speaker? Please raise your hand and unmute when recognized. 02:38:49 Corey Bettenhausen (CCMC) (he/him): The workshop is grabbing some coffee/tea. It will reconvene at 11:15 am EST. 02:51:11 Hazel Bain: Is it possible to test my audio works ahead of my talk in the next session? 02:55:44 Corey Bettenhausen (CCMC) (he/him): Hazel, if you'd like to join the Audio Test breakout room, we can test your audio. 03:03:51 Corey Bettenhausen (CCMC) (he/him): Welcome back, everyone! We're now starting the session on SPACE ENVIRONMENT IMPACT ON AVIATION. 03:04:22 Corey Bettenhausen (CCMC) (he/him): If you're just joining us, in order to avoid open mics or unnecessary background noise, we are muting participants when they join the meeting. 03:06:20 Corey Bettenhausen (CCMC) (he/him): Please remain muted and refrain from sharing your video to avoid bandwidth issues. If you're presenting remotely, please unmute and, optionally, share your video when you are introduced (or just before). 03:06:50 Corey Bettenhausen (CCMC) (he/him): During the Q&A sessions, please raise your hand if you have a question. When called upon, the host will invite you to unmute and, optionally, share your video. 03:07:01 Corey Bettenhausen (CCMC) (he/him): Thank you and enjoy the session! 03:13:07 W. Kent Tobiska: Chris - is it possible that NAIRAS in RAD-X was actually doing very well in capturing the bottom of the dose envelope with excess from other processes? 03:15:21 Rebecca Ringuette: An alternative to the T05 and T89 models would naturally ne IGRF, especially since IGRF covers both periods. Is this being considered? 03:16:41 Patricia Reiff: You might also try the Boyle formula for the polar cap potential. We are already linking it to NLIL as our long-term forecast. https://mms.rice.edu/forecast.html 03:33:20 Rebecca Ringuette: How would one contribute radiation data to this project? 03:48:29 W. Kent Tobiska: ARMAS archival data is available at https://spacewx.com/radiation-decision-aids/ 03:50:36 Corey Bettenhausen (CCMC) (he/him): Any questions for Hazel? Please raise your hand. 04:22:36 Corey Bettenhausen (CCMC) (he/him): Any questions for our speaker? Please raise your hand. 04:25:55 Corey Bettenhausen (CCMC) (he/him): The workshop is breaking for lunch. There will be a lunchtime panel to be convened in about 10 minutes. The topic will be "Innovative Solutions to Improve Near Earth Environment Modeling.” 04:26:35 JACOB BORTNIK: Great! I guess we'll get going around 12:45pm ... see y’all soon. 05:52:06 Tyler Schiewe (CCMC): Welcome back from lunch! For those just joining us, please remember to remain muted with your video off unless presenting or asking a question. To ask a question, please first raise your hand using Reactions > Raise Hand. 06:17:36 Hazel Bain: How long do you expect models will spend in the ACE? i.e .how long do you expect it will take to move models through the ACE to the testbed? 06:17:53 Hazel Bain: And how many models do you hope to evaluate in the ACE at any one time? 06:24:17 Rebecca Ringuette: Is SWPC interested in ensemble modeling with the models already deemed promising (e.g. WSA + Enlil + OVATION + CARI-7)? 06:34:16 Rebecca Ringuette: Thanks 06:34:36 Rebecca Ringuette: Yay Leila!! 06:34:47 Nikolai Pogorelov (UAH): I'm afraid it was about averaging all promising models. 07:04:07 Rebecca Ringuette: Is M2M considering using the ground solar observations discussed earlier this week? 07:30:05 Yari Collado-Vega: Rebecca we are working with CCMC on using some of the ground coronagraphs. We are definitely looking for all the avenues possible to improve the real time analysis especially now that the data available in real time is very limited. 07:30:29 Rebecca Ringuette: cool. 07:37:03 Tyler Schiewe (CCMC): We’ll be back at 4:15 pm EST after a short break. 07:37:42 Rebecca Ringuette: Let the OpenSpace videos continue....Looks cool, Darren. 08:06:33 Tyler Schiewe (CCMC): Welcome back from the break! As a reminder, when asking questions, please raise your hand with Reactions > Raise Hand and/or @ mention the speaker’s name in the chat with your written question. 08:17:50 Chinwe Didigu : Audio is faint 08:18:11 Chinwe Didigu : Good now. thanks! 08:31:45 Rebecca Ringuette: Based on your presentation, it sounds like the empirical model could be correct for the wrong reasons. What are your plans to test for this? 08:51:19 Rebecca Ringuette: I'm told the NVIDIA GPU software updates often and is not always backwards-compatible. Have you encountered any issues with this so far, and do you have a plan to deal with this in the future? ** For some reason the chat capture broke here and started over. It continues with the relative time resetting. 00:08:30 Ian Richardson (GSFC/UMd): Why not compare with Wind densities, which are calibrated with the plasma line measured by the radio instrument? 00:08:39 Pete Riley: @Bernie - but some of the spacecraft differences are because they're measuring different parcels of plasma right? 00:27:08 Nikolai Pogorelov (UAH): Talking of the NVIDIA GPUs. NVIDIA is an active software ecosystem, but it doesn't break our builds any more often than all other supercomputers we run on. I'd say Intel and Cray are still the two top offenders. It is rare for a CUDA update to deprecate a functionality. I'd say GNU is our most stable element of software network., followed by LLVM. Cray and Intel are marginally stable, NVIDIA compilers are mostly passthroughs to GNU or LLVM. At the top end of the supercomputer systems, they are "all" finicky. 00:27:53 Rebecca Ringuette: Thanks, Nikolai. 00:39:01 Tyler Schiewe (CCMC): That’s all for today! Please join us again tomorrow at 9:00 am EST. 00:39:17 Chinwe Didigu : Much love an appreciation to Leila!!!