# # Input data # [Data] solar_wind = /configured_path/example_ccmc_sw_only.dat # # Simulation duration # [Duration] # Solar wind relaxation duration, days relaxation = 10.0 # CME insertion phase, days cme_insertion = 8.0 # Duration of forecast, days forecast = 4.0 # # Output control. Parameter "interval" sets the output frequency, in hours # [Output] base_name = june_2015_example_ccmc_run4_ directory = /configured_path/ [Output.NPY] interval = 3.0 start = backgroundwind # # Grid parameters # [Grid] num_radial = 256 angular_resolution = 4.0 # # Virtual spacecraft to save data at. The heliospheric objects listed # here will be flagged for output. By default, data is saved at 10 min # resolution starting from the CME insertion # [VirtualSpacecraft] [VirtualSpacecraft.Mercury] start = backgroundwind [VirtualSpacecraft.Earth] start = backgroundwind [VirtualSpacecraft.Venus] start = backgroundwind [VirtualSpacecraft.Mars] start = backgroundwind [VirtualSpacecraft.STA] start = backgroundwind [VirtualSpacecraft.STB] start = backgroundwind