[Magnetogram] # Directory where downloaded magnetograms are stored (absolute or relative) data_dir= /configured_path/ # Magnetogram provider # Options: GONG, GONG_ADAPT provider = GONG # Source of the magnetogram # Options: # latest (= gets the most recently available magnetogram) # Date & time string (e.g. 2012-06-12T12:23:00) # URL to magnetogram # File name of locally stored magnetogram source = 2021-04-02T01:04:00 # Resolution of the regridded (Plate Caree) magnetogram degrees_per_pixel = 1.0 # Gaussian smoothing of magnetogram gaussian_smoothing_sd = 0.8 # # Settings for the PFSS+SCS coronal magnetic field model # [PFSS] # Source surface radius of PFSS model, in solar radii source_surface_radius = 2.6 # Number of radial grid points used in 3D solution grid number_of_radial_grid_pts = 128 # Maximum degree of solid harmonic expansion max_degree = 70 [SCS] # Radius where SCS model starts, in solar radii start_radius = 2.3 # Outer radius of SCS model, in astronomical units end_radius = 0.1 # Number of radial grid points number_of_radial_grid_pts = 128 # Maximum degree of solid harmonic expansion max_degree = 70 # # Settings for the heliospheric boundary conditions # [HeliosphereBoundary] # Name of file to output to # If not provided, a name based on the date is given output_file_name = /configured_path/example_ccmc_sw_only.dat # Resolution with which to compute the model degrees_per_pixel = 2.0 # Empirical wind speed and coronal magnetic field topology relation wind_speed_relation = 240.0+675.0*((1.0 - 0.8*exp(-(d/0.02)**1.25))**3)/((1.0+f)**0.22) # Rotate boundary data by a given degree # Rotate against solar rotation as the data at 0.1 AU is "older" than lower down rotate = -10.0 # km/s speed.add = -50.0 # Solar wind speed bounds, km/s speed.max = 625.0 speed.min = 275.0 # Magnetic field when v = speed.max, nT fast_solar_wind.magnetic_field = 300.0 # Constant thermal pressure, nPa solar_wind.pressure = 3.3 # Number density of fast solar wind, 1/cc fast_solar_wind.number_density = 300.0