# Example CME input file # Optional user comments can go here (start the comment line with #) #How to change CME parameteres from GCS to ENLIL #ENLIL GCS #Date and Time at 21.5 R: = If constant velocity: Δt=Δe/v => Δt=ΔR*695510/v #lat = Lat #lon = Long (Carrington longitude)-L0 (Carrington longitude at that time of central meridian seen from Earth) #rmaj = Half Angle #rmin = arcsen(ratio) #tilt = ROT #vcme = leading edge velocity (not included in the file, given by Laura directly) #vend = trailing edge velocity (not included in the file, given by Laura directly) # #-------------------------------------------------- # Data should be 8 columns: # 01 date: CME leading-edge time at ENLIL inner boundary of 21.5 Rs (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm) # 02 lat: Latitude of the cone axis (HEEQ deg). Range: -90 to 90 deg. # 03 lon: Longitude of the cone axis (HEEQ deg). Range: -180 to 180 deg. # 04 rmaj: Major radius of the cone (deg) (half-angle). Range: 5 to 90 deg. # 05 rmin: Minor radius of the cone (deg). Setting rmin=0 computes default rmin=rmax. Range 5 to 90 deg, rmin should not exceed rmaj. # 06 tilt: Angle between radius of the cone and solar equator (deg). Range: -180 to 180 deg. CCW - positive # 07 vcme: CME leading-edge speed (km/s). Range: 50 to 4000 km/s. # 08 vend: CME trailing-edge speed (km/s). Choosing vend=0 computes default value). Range: 50 to 4000; vend cannot exceed vcme. #-------------------------------------------------- # date lat lon rmaj rmin tilt vcme vend #-------------------------------------------------- 2013-08-16T16:04 -21.803 -160.769 18.726 0 54.783 667 0 2013-08-20T02:02 -5.031 170.811 59.255 25.157 36.335 1120 453