project=examples/wsafr-2.6 cr=2154 grd=1024x120x360 x1l=0.1 x1r=2.1 x2l=30 x2r=150 datadir=$ENLIL_DATA_DIR data=WSA_VEL/GONG/CARR/2.5deg/L72R21.5 vutime=3600 tstart=-288 tstop=2076 ttfrom=1836 ttto=2076 ttstep=6 # magnetic field scaling parameter (default=4 for GONG and 2 for other magnetograms) bscl=2 nbrad=1 #------------------------------ # properties of fast solar wind #------------------------------ # # density (default 300 /cc) dfast=300 # temperature (default 0.8 million K) tfast=0.8 # speed (default 625 km/s) vfast=625 #---------------------------------- # properties of cone clouds for run #---------------------------------- # # number of cmes (default 1) ncmes=1 # start date time of model run (example '1997-05-12') start=2014-08-21 # start dates for each cone cme (example '1997-05-12','1997-05-18') dates="2014-11-07T21:20" # latitude of cloud (north=90, equator=0, south=-90 degs) lat=17 # longitude of cloud (-90 to +90 where 0 degrees is eastward) lon=-40 # cloud radius (default=25) rmajor=60 # cloud velocity (default=650) vcld=1300 # density enhancement factor of cloud compared to fast solar wind (default=4) dcld=10 # temperature enhancement factor of cloud compared to fast solar wind (default=1) # (Note: this does not appear to be used by code) tcld=10 # elongation factor of the trailing part of cloud; =1 for sphere, =2 for twice longer, etc. xcld=1 # shape of the cloud (1=trapezoidal, 2=spherical) ncld=2 # Cloud cavity radius over cloud radius (0 to 0.9) radcav=0 JobRequestDir=/home/ccmc/Request_data/Pedro_Corona-Romero_011217_SH_4