# ENLIL v2.8f control file draft # # ALL NULL ARGS ARE NOT PASSED ON # procs=128 # No. of processors batch=yes # Submit run to batch queue project=cr2061_Lan_Jian_020316_SH_3 # Use run request number for project directory name *RUNID* cr=2061 # Carrington Rotation number (null | xxxx) (null for du and dt run types) reg=2 # Computational region res=high # Numerical grid resolution nblk=1 # Number of computational blocks (1 for ambient run, 2 for CME run) vutime=86400. # Time unit scale factor (s) default 3600. (1 hour) - null # USE FLOATING POINT VALUES tstart=-7 # Start computation at this time for 1 AU grid - default 168 hours (null) = 7 days (vutime units) # ^Only change this when changing vutime tstop=33 # Stop computation at this time (vutime units) (use 33 days = 792 hours for fr) tstep=27.2753 # Output with this step in time (vutime units) (use 27.2753 days = 654.6072 hours for fr) corfile=null # Coronal data file; null (for fr it will be defined in script) unless it is a custom file corobs=gong # Solar photospheric field observatory name (du,dt: gongb | gongz) (fr: gong | mwo | nso | mdi) projfcst=0 # Project structure (0 | 1 | 2) # USE THE SAME PROJECT NAME IF CONTROL FILE HAS projfcst = 1 or 2 rundate=null # Start computation at this date (yyyy-mm-ddThh) (*use null for fr*) obsdate=null # Coronal observations at this date (yyyy-mm-ddThh) (*only set for du run type*) resdate=null # Restart computation from this date (null | yyyy-mm-ddThh) resgrd=null # Restart computation from this grid resbnd=null # Restart computation from this boundary #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Ambient wind conditions setting (default is a6b1 for synodic rotation) # User modified ambient setting is a6b1mod amb=a6b1 # # *USE FLOATING POINT VALUES E.G. 700.* vfast=null # Radial flow velocity of fast stream (km/s) - default vfast=700. vslow=null # Radial flow velocity of slow stream (km/s) - default vslow=200. vrfast=null # Reduction of the maximum flow velocity (km/s) - default vrfast=25. vrslow=null # Reduction of the minimum flow velocity (km/s) - default vrslow=75. bfast=null # Radial magnetic field of fast stream (nT) - default bfast=350. bscl=null # Magnetic field scaling factor - default bscl=4 for gong bscl=2 for all others dfast=null # Number density at the inner boundary (cm-3) - default dfast=125. tfast=null # Mean temperature at the inner boundary (MK) - default tfast=1.5 xalpha=null # Fraction of alpha particles (rel. to protons) - default xalpha=0.05 bndrot=null # Rotation of the inner boundary (sidereal | synodic) - default bndrot=synodic runpar=g53q5 # Gamma and heating parameters (g53q5 | g15q0 | g53q0) #---------------------------------- # properties of cone clouds for run #---------------------------------- # cmedir=null # Transient data directory (this will be $HOME/Request_data) cmedata=null # Transient data sub-directory - use run request number *RUNID* cmefile=null # Transient data file - user submitted CME file ncmes=0 # number of cmes (0 for ambient -1 for cmefile 1 or more for CMEs listed explicitly below) cld=d4t1x1 # Hydrodynamic cloud conditions setting (default is d4t1x1) #*if dcld, tcld, xcld,radcav, dcav, or tcav are changed this will become d4t1x1mod* # *IF MULTIPLE CMES ARE INSERTED AND DIFFERENT VALUES ARE DESIRED FOR EACH USE EG dcld=4,4,8* dcld=null # density enhancement factor of cloud compared to fast solar wind (default=4) tcld=null # Cloud temperature / fast stream temperature xcld=null # elongation factor of the trailing part of cloud; =1 for sphere, =2 for twice longer, etc. radcav=null # Cloud cavity radius over cloud radius (0 to 0.9) dcav=null # Cavity density / fast stream density tcav=null # Cavity temperature / fast stream temperature #JobRequestDir= #NOT USED #SPECIAL REQUEST FOR GRID (always adjust values for reg=1 res=low default) # *USE FLOATING POINT VALUES E.G. 20.* x1l=null # Inner boundary (AU) x2l=null # Minimum co-latitude (deg) x2r=null # Maximum co-latitude (deg) n1=null # No. of basic X1-grid points n2=null # No. of basic X2-grid points n3=null # No. of basic X3-grid points