projdir=/data2/ccmc/proj/ project=ccmc/wsafr-cld bnd=a3b1f datadir=$hdatadir data=$cdatadir #datadir=/data2/ccmc/Solar_Helio_Models/Models/Enlil/ENLIL-2.7-ccmc/data #data=/data2/ccmc/Solar_Helio_Models/Models/WSA_SUB2.2/DATA/WSA_VEL/USRG/UPDATED/2.5deg/L72R21.5 #grd=256x30x90 grd=128x15x45 cr=2121 longit=325 #start=2012-03-05T00 procs=8 x1l=0.1 x1r=2 fldlat=0.,-5.,-5.,+5.,+5 fldlon=0.,-5.,+5.,-5.,+5 nfld=5 ltim0000=false bscl=2.5 tstart=-240 tstop=240 ttto=240 ttfrom=0 ttstep=6 cld=sa1 # This is a template for operators to modify for the case they want to run. # # Please read the instructions in the comment lines and edit as needed. # Note, the syntax varies a little between single or multiple CME cases # First set the number of CMEs # ncmes=1 # # If you want to define the run start date # manually uncomment the line bellow and # enter the appropriate run start date start=2012-03-05 # #----------------------- # case of a single CME #------------------------ if [ $ncmes -eq 1 ]; then #------------------------ # set date and time dates=2012-03-07T04:56 # # set latitude (range -60 deg to +60 deg) #lat=-43 lat=-3 # set longitude (range -180 deg to +180) #lon=-124 lon=-14 # set half opening angle rmajor=22 # set radial velocity #vcld=379 vcld=879 # #------------------------ else # #------------------------ # case of a multiple CMEs #------------------------ #------------------------ # set date and time dates="2013-07-17T22:17','2013-07-17T04:56" # # set latitude (range -60 deg to +60 deg) lat=8,-43 # set longitude (range -180 deg to +180) lon=15,-124 # set half opening angle rmajor=26,22 # set radial velocity vcld=573,379 # #------------------------ fi # #------------------------------------------------ date_file=${HOME_SH}/Solar_Helio_Models/Models/Enlil_local/Cone_Model/date_file #------------------------------------------------ # st_year=${dates:0:4} st_month=${dates:5:2} st_date=${dates:8:2} st_hour=${dates:11:2} st_minute=${dates:14:2} # #date_file=date_file echo $st_year > $date_file echo $st_month >> $date_file echo $st_date >> $date_file echo $st_hour >> $date_file echo $st_minute >> $date_file #------------------------ #start=`date -d '12 hours ago' +'%Y-%m-%d'` # #ttstep=1. #tstart=-240 # #radcav=0.8