ACE plasma and magnetic field Level 2 data are not continuously available.
Check Level 2 data availability at ACE science center.
Select the time interval between 1998/02/11 00:00:00 and 2024/05/17 23:59:59. The interval should not exceed 360 hours.
Project data from ACE position to RE. Do not project data. Please note: for use with BATSRUS and GUMICS ACE data have to be projected to 33 Re; for use with OpenGGCM model - to 33 Re; for CMIT/LFM - to 30 Re. Additional time shift seconds. This will generate data in GSM coordinates. Data will be converted to GSE or SM during run submission as needed (SWMF/BATSRUS uses GSM, OpenGGCM and GUMICS use GSE, CMIT/LFM uses SM).
Additional time shift seconds.
This will generate data in GSM coordinates. Data will be converted to GSE or SM during run submission as needed (SWMF/BATSRUS uses GSM, OpenGGCM and GUMICS use GSE, CMIT/LFM uses SM).