Maintenance Notice

On Thursday, 03/13/2025, starting at 9 AM to 3 PM Eastern Time, we will be performing scheduled maintenance, which may temporarily impact CCMC services including viewing and download of all ROR runs output as well as online visualization services. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.

Prediction for magnetospheric and ionospheric conditions using a SWMF realtime simulation (GM-BATSRUS, IE-Ridley Ionosphere Model), together with the Fok ring current model.

  This page was generated at: Thu Mar 13 03:55:50 UTC 2025
Magnetosphere at Y=0
Magnetosphere at Z=0
Satellites (trajectories from SSCWeb):
Moon: Position (GSM): X= Y= Z=
      N=cm-3 Vx=km/s Vy=km/s Vz=km/s Bx=nT By=nT Bz=nT P=nPa
GOES-14: Position (GSM): X= Y= Z=
      N=cm-3 Vx=km/s Vy=km/s Vz=km/s Bx=nT By=nT Bz=nT P=nPa
GOES-13: Position (GSM): X= Y= Z=
      N=cm-3 Vx=km/s Vy=km/s Vz=km/s Bx=nT By=nT Bz=nT P=nPa
Ionospheric electric potential
Ionospheric field-aligned currents

History of simulated ionospheric potentials:

week's worth of electric potential differences

Fok Ring-Current model: total fluxes of electrons (e-) and protons (H+)

plot of electron flux in equatorial planeplot of Hydrogen ion flux in equatorial plane

View plots at multiple energy levels for this time

IMF data from ACE or DSCOVR propagated to XGSM = 33 RE:

(view the most recent 24 hours of ACE/DSCOVR data with warnings and caveats at
Solar wind input data (ACE)

View recent SWMF (GM+IE) +FokRC realtime run images (last 2 weeks).

Authorizing NASA Official:
Last updated: May 15, 2015.