Satellites (trajectories from SSCWeb): Moon: Position (GSM): X= Y= Z= N=cm-3 Vx=km/s Vy=km/s Vz=km/s Bx=nT By=nT Bz=nT P=nPa GOES-14: Position (GSM): X= Y= Z= N=cm-3 Vx=km/s Vy=km/s Vz=km/s Bx=nT By=nT Bz=nT P=nPa GOES-13: Position (GSM): X= Y= Z= N=cm-3 Vx=km/s Vy=km/s Vz=km/s Bx=nT By=nT Bz=nT P=nPa History of simulated ionospheric potentials: | |
Fok Ring-Current model: total fluxes of electrons (e-) and protons (H+) | |
IMF data from ACE or DSCOVR propagated to XGSM = 33 RE:(view the most recent 24 hours of ACE/DSCOVR data with warnings and caveats at recent SWMF (GM+IE) +FokRC realtime run images (last 2 weeks). Curator: Authorizing NASA Official: Last updated: May 15, 2015. |